10 Things You Shouldn’t Do While Pregnant


Pregnancy is a special time in your life, filled with excitement and anticipation. While you’re eagerly waiting to meet your little one, it’s essential to be mindful of your actions and habits to keep both you and your baby safe. Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and activities that may have been fine before might not be the best choice now. Some things can put unnecessary strain on your body, while others may increase the risk of harm to your baby. To help you stay healthy and protect your baby, here are the things you should avoid during pregnancy.


1. Riding Roller Coasters or Amusement Park Rides:

While roller coasters and amusement park rides are thrilling, they can pose risks during pregnancy. The sudden starts, stops, and jerky motions can put too much pressure on your abdomen, which may harm your baby or cause complications such as placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the uterine wall). It’s best to avoid these high-speed rides and opt for more gentle, low-impact activities during pregnancy.


2. Lifting Heavy Objects:

Lifting heavy objects can strain your back and abdominal muscles, which are already under stress during pregnancy. Additionally, improper lifting techniques can increase the risk of back injuries or harm to your baby. Always be cautious and avoid lifting anything too heavy. If you need to lift something, bend your knees and lift with your legs, not your back, and ask for help when necessary.


3. Avoiding Sleeping on Your Back:

As your pregnancy progresses, especially in the second and third trimesters, sleeping on your back can put pressure on major blood vessels, reducing blood flow to your baby. This can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, and low blood pressure for you. It’s recommended to sleep on your side, especially your left side, to promote better circulation for both you and your baby.


4. Smoking or Exposure to Secondhand Smoke:

Smoking while pregnant can lead to serious complications, including premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues in your baby. Even exposure to secondhand smoke can be harmful. The chemicals in cigarettes can restrict blood flow to your baby and reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients they receive. If you’re a smoker, it’s important to quit, and if you’re around smokers, try to limit your exposure to secondhand smoke as much as possible. See more here: 10 Things You Shouldn’t Eat During Pregnancy


5. Using Hot Tubs and Saunas:

While relaxing in a hot tub or sauna might seem like a good idea, it’s not safe during pregnancy. High temperatures can raise your body temperature too much, which may lead to overheating. This can increase the risk of birth defects, especially in the first trimester. Instead, take warm baths or showers to relax without overheating your body.


6. Avoiding Stress and Overwork:

While it’s important to maintain your regular routine, excessive stress and overwork during pregnancy can affect both your mental and physical health. High levels of stress can lead to complications such as high blood pressure, sleep problems, and even premature birth. It’s essential to take time to rest, manage your workload, and prioritize relaxation. Consider activities like meditation or simply taking breaks throughout the day to ensure you and your baby stay healthy.


7. Cleaning the Litter Box:

If you have a cat, it’s important to avoid cleaning the litter box during pregnancy. Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, a serious infection that can harm your baby and lead to complications such as blindness or brain damage. If possible, ask someone else to handle the litter box duties. If you must do it yourself, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.


8. Engaging in High-Impact Sports:

Sports like basketball, soccer, and skiing may have been part of your routine before pregnancy, but it’s best to avoid high-impact sports during this time. These activities can increase the risk of falling or injury to your abdomen, which can harm your baby. Instead, choose safer forms of exercise like walking or swimming,  which keep you active without putting your baby at risk.


9. Sitting or Standing for Long Periods:

Sitting or standing for extended periods can reduce circulation, leading to swelling in your legs and feet. It can also increase the risk of blood clots, especially during pregnancy when your blood flow changes. Try to take breaks if you’re sitting or standing for long periods. Stretch, walk around, and change positions often to keep your blood circulating and reduce discomfort.


10. Taking Certain Medications Without Consulting Your Doctor:

Not all medications are safe during pregnancy, even if they are over-the-counter or were prescribed to you before. Some medications can cause harm to your baby or interfere with their development. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication, even if it seems harmless. Your healthcare provider will guide you on what’s safe and what to avoid during pregnancy.



Pregnancy is a unique time that requires extra care and attention to the choices you make. By avoiding the activities and habits mentioned above, you’re taking an important step toward ensuring a healthy pregnancy and protecting your baby. While it can feel overwhelming to adjust your lifestyle, remember that these changes are temporary, and they’re all for the safety of your little one.

As you journey through pregnancy, focus on making mindful decisions, staying active, eating well, and following the advice of your healthcare provider. Keeping your baby safe is the top priority, and by making mindful choices, you can ensure a healthy pregnancy and a smooth journey toward motherhood.





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