Dear Woman, Know Your Worth


Dear woman,
Do you know how strong you are?
You, who carries the weight of the world,
Yet, so often forgets to acknowledge the power within.
You, who loves deeply, gives endlessly,
But sometimes overlooks the value that lies in your heart.


You are more than the labels the world places on you,
More than the roles you play—mother, daughter, wife, friend.
You are a force of nature,
A well of wisdom, courage, and resilience.
The fire in your soul can light the darkest of days,
And yet, too often, you dim that light for the comfort of others.


Dear woman, know your worth.
Your worth is not tied to your appearance,
Not measured by the approval of others,
Not dependent on perfection.
You are worthy simply because you exist,
Because you are human,
Because you breathe and dream and feel.


You have overcome storms that no one else has seen,
Fought battles that were never spoken of,
And still, here you stand,
Stronger than you even realize.


Remember the times you stood up when you were knocked down,
The moments you kept going when it felt impossible.
These are the things that define your worth,
Not the mistakes you’ve made,
Not the times you stumbled.
Your worth is in your persistence, your growth, your heart.


Dear woman,
You are enough.
You are whole, even when you feel broken.
You are deserving of love, respect, and kindness,
From others, yes, but most importantly, from yourself.
Treat yourself with the same care you give to everyone else.
Nurture your dreams, honor your emotions, protect your peace.


When doubt creeps in, when the world makes you feel small,
Stand tall, and remind yourself:
I am worthy.
I am enough.
I have value beyond measure.
I don’t need to prove it,
I don’t need permission to claim it.
I own my worth because it has always been mine.


Dear woman,
Know that you deserve every good thing life has to offer,
Not because of what you do,
But because of who you are.
A woman of strength, a woman of grace,
A woman of worth.


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