Finding Balance in Daily House Chores

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“Dear Mama ,House chores no dey finish” These words echo the universal truth that house chores are a never-ending affair, a  cycle that can easily overwhelm the mind and body if we allow it.

No matter how diligently we work, there’s always more to be done, awaiting us with each new dawn. As mothers, we often find ourselves immersed in the endless tasks of cleaning, cooking, and tidying up. We wash the dishes today, only to find them piled up again tomorrow. We fold the laundry, only for it to unravel and need folding once more. And no matter how diligently we sweep the floors, dust always finds its way back. However, it’s essential to remember that we are not alone on this journey. No woman receives a medal for being the  strongest – most just keep pushing forward, often at the cost of their own well-being.

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How to Ease the Never Ending Circles of House chores


Recognizing the Never-Ending Cycle:

House chores are like the tides that keep rolling in, always there and always demanding attention. Just when we think we’ve finished, there’s another pile of laundry to tackle or a sink full of dishes waiting for us. It can feel like we’re constantly playing catch-up, trying to stay on top of everything. But instead of feeling stressed about it, we can try to see it as just a normal part of our daily routine. Accepting that there will always be chores to do can help us feel less overwhelmed and more at peace with the endless loop of housework.


Keeping It Realistic:

As moms, we sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to have a spotless home all the time. We aim for pristine cleanliness, but the truth is, it’s not always possible – and that’s okay! Instead of stressing over every little mess, let’s focus on what’s practical and achievable. Our goal should be to create a home that works for us and our families, even if it’s not picture-perfect all the time.

By accepting that some days will be messier than others, we can ease the pressure on ourselves. We can prioritize tasks based on what really needs to get done, rather than trying to do everything at once. This helps us feel less overwhelmed and more in control of our homes and our lives.


Prioritize Task:

Focus on what’s most important first when you’re doing chores. Start with things that need to be done right away, like washing dishes or doing laundry. Once you’ve finished those, you can move on to less urgent tasks, like dusting or organizing. By tackling the most important stuff first, you’ll feel more accomplished and ready to take on the rest of your chores. And remember, it’s okay if you don’t get everything done all at once. Take it one step at a time, and don’t forget to give yourself credit for what you do accomplish!


Establishing a Cleaning Routine:

Making a plan for when to clean can make a big difference in how chores feel. Instead of letting things pile up, try setting a regular schedule for cleaning. Break up big tasks into smaller ones and spread them out over the week or month. For example, you could do some tidying up every day, like making the bed or picking up toys, and save bigger jobs, like vacuuming or mopping, for specific days. Having a routine like this can help keep things from getting too overwhelming and make it easier to stay on top of chores.


Investing in Storage Solutions:

Clutter, like too much stuff lying around, can make chores seem harder than they actually are. But here’s a tip: think about getting storage things like boxes, baskets, or shelves. These help you keep your things in order and easy to find, so cleaning up becomes quicker and easier. Plus, you won’t have to spend as much time looking for things when everything has its place!


Getting Help and Working Together:

Let’s face it: juggling house chores all by ourselves can be exhausting. But here’s the good news – we don’t have to do it alone! Asking for help from our family, partners, or friends can make a world of difference. When we share the load and work together as a team, the weight of house chores feels much lighter.

So, don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and communicate openly about what needs to be done around the house. Whether it’s folding laundry, washing dishes, or tidying up, there’s strength in numbers. Remember, we’re not weak for asking for help – we’re smart and resourceful for recognizing that we can’t do it all on our own.


Rotate Responsibilities:

Share the burden of house chores among family members by rotating tasks on a regular basis. Assign age-appropriate responsibilities to children and encourage them to take ownership of their contributions to the household.


Streamline Processes:

Finding ways to do chores faster can free up time for other things you enjoy. Consider getting gadgets like a vacuum cleaner or a washing machine to help with cleaning. These tools can make tasks quicker and less tiring. You can also ask family members to help out with chores, like folding laundry or washing dishes. And don’t forget to look for shortcuts that make cleaning simpler, like using all-purpose cleaners or microfiber cloths. By streamlining your chores, you can spend less time cleaning and more time doing what you love.


Seeking Professional Assistance:

If you’re feeling swamped with house chores and struggling to keep up, consider reaching out to professional cleaners or laundry services. While it might mean spending some money, the relief you’ll feel from having one less thing on your plate can be priceless.

Think of it as an investment in your well-being and sanity. By outsourcing certain tasks, you’ll free up valuable time to focus on things that matter most to you, whether it’s spending quality time with your family or pursuing personal interests. Plus, knowing that someone else is taking care of the cleaning can bring a sense of relief and peace of mind.

So, don’t hesitate to explore the option of getting outside help if you need it. It’s not about admitting defeat – it’s about recognizing when you need support and taking steps to make your life a little bit easier.


Practice Gratitude:

Finally, shift your mindset from seeing chores as burdensome tasks to opportunities for gratitude. Instead of focusing on what you have to do, think about what you get to do – like providing a clean and comfortable home for your family. Practicing gratitude can help shift your perspective and make chores feel more meaningful and rewarding.




House chores are endless, but they don’t have to overwhelm you. Acknowledge them, set realistic expectations, prioritize self-care, seek support, stay flexible, consider help, and find joy in homemaking. Remember, your worth isn’t tied to a clean home, but the love you give to your family and yourself. Take a breath, release pressure, and embrace life’s rhythm. You’re enough, just as you are.

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