Why Some Babies Skip Crawling


Hello parents! Have you ever wondered why some babies skip crawling and go straight to walking? As a mom myself, I’ve observed how each child has their own special way of learning and growing. When my baby started walking before crawling, it got me reflecting on the incredible journey of child development.


The Journey of Development

Child development is an amazing journey, and it unfolds uniquely for each child. Crawling is a big step that many babies take before they start walking. It helps them build muscles, learn to coordinate their movements, and understand space around them. But not all babies go through this same journey. Some babies find their own ways to explore the world and get ready for walking.

My Experience

When my baby skipped crawling and started walking early, I was surprised and proud. It made me realize that babies have their own timelines and preferences for how they learn to move. Instead of crawling, my baby enjoyed pulling up on furniture and cruising around while holding onto things. This taught me that there are many ways for babies to develop motor skills and explore their surroundings.

Understanding Why Some Babies Skip Crawling

Photo by Gustavo Fring

Babies develop at their own pace, and some skip crawling altogether for various reasons:

  • Temperament: Some babies are just more eager to stand and explore upright rather than crawling first.
  • Strength and Coordination: Babies with strong upper bodies might prefer pulling themselves up and cruising around furniture instead of crawling on all fours.
  • Interest and Exploration: Babies are natural explorers. They may discover that rolling, scooting, or shuffling on their bottoms allows them to satisfy their curiosity and move around effectively.
  • Environmental Factors: The environment plays a role too. Babies in homes with spacious, open layouts may find cruising or walking more accessible and enticing than crawling.
  • Health Considerations: Occasionally, health factors such as muscle tone or early motor skill development may influence a baby’s approach to movement, affecting whether they crawl or skip straight to walking.

Each baby finds their unique way to navigate the world around them, much like how different coding languages can achieve the same outcome in software development—diverse paths leading to the same goal of growth and exploration.

Supporting Your Baby’s Development

As parents, our role is to support our babies’ development in whatever way they choose to explore:

  • Create a Safe Space: Make sure your baby has a safe area to try out different movements and explore their surroundings.


  • Encourage Exploration: Support and cheer for every effort, whether your baby is crawling, scooting, rolling, or cruising. Each way helps them develop important skills and boosts their confidence.


  • Celebrate Every Milestone: Celebrate every achievement, no matter how your baby reaches it. Each step in their development is worth celebrating and proud moments for you.


Watching our babies learn and grow fills us with joy and wonder. Whether they crawl, scoot, roll, or walk, each way they move shows how unique and determined they are. By supporting their own way of growing up, we help them feel confident and independent.

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